Category Archives: General

When does sharing become oversharing?

I’m a chronic oversharer on social media — and usually an intentional one. Mostly, I write about my severe mental health struggles and things that deeply enrage me, but that constant oversharing can be hard to maintain.

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New COVID-19 outbreaks in Asia could exacerbate the global chip shortage

New outbreaks of COVID-19 in Asia could create delays in the global supply chain and exacerbate the global semiconductor shortage, according to a new report from The Wall Street Journal. Taiwan, which is a significant hub for chip manufacturing, is currently experiencing a surge of COVID-19 cases.

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Beloved British retailer Marks & Spencer closing 100 stores

The disintegration of the traditional British retail landscape has slammed another much-loved store. The popular Marks & Spencer chain — better known as M&S — announced on Tuesday it wants to close 100 UK locations, or about 10% of its stores, as it encourages customers to shop online.

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Entire Nest ecosystem of smart home devices goes offline

For at least a few hours overnight, owners of Nest products were unable to access their devices via the Nest app or web browsers, according to Nest Support on Twitter. Other devices like Nest Secure and Nest x Yale Locks behaved erratically.

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SPEI, lecciones que nos deja el huachicoleo digital

Scarce accountability across the board from all the actors involved in the latest, and dreadest, cybersecurity breach (that we know of) Mexican financial institutions have suffered in recent history. Shameful, slow, vague and naive responses given from all; the mexican central bank and the banks primarily, although not just them got severe scratches from their attackers.
Are they hiding something? Being so vague leaves a lot of doors open to interpretation. And, with the current rarified political atmosphere it’s difficult not to wonder if that tall tale AMLO plays too often, has a little bit of truth in itself, that the big political and private gamers hide and manipulate the truth to create alternate realities?

Below a great article by El Economista, getting a deep look to the lack of accountability showed by all the actors participating in this sad play.
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SNK may be making a mini-console stuffed with arcade classics

If you’ve worked through the amazing selection of games provided by the NES and SNES Classic Editions, you may be in luck: SNK, the legendary arcade game creator behind the likes of Metal Slug and Samurai Shodown, is teasing what looks like its own tiny arcade cabinet.

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LEGO animation of Vostok 1, Yuri Gagarin’s orbital flight 57 years ago today. Happy Yuri’s Night!

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Physical sales outsell digital downloads in US for first time since 2011

According to a recent report from The Recording Industry Association Of America (RIAA), physical music sales beat digital downloads in 2017 in the US. That said, the difference between physical and digital sales is a mere 2% between 17% and 15% respectively.

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Walmart abre la primera tienda en México ‘al estilo Amazon’

En un entorno cada vez más digital, Walmart ya abrió su primera tienda omnicanal en México: está en el Walmart Mario Colín, en Tlalnepantla, y se trata de la primera unidad de la nueva generación de unidades de la cadena.

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Elon Musk has removed Tesla and SpaceX’s Facebook pages after Twitter challenge

During a tweetstorm, Elon Musk has removed both of his companies’ Facebook pages after being challenged to do so by a few of his followers. The pages of both SpaceX and Tesla are now inactive. Each had around 2.6 million followers.

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